All integrations directly with SPI have specific error codes that will be persisted on the stage of each document:
Code | Message |
TR0001 | Insufficient balance to execute the payment |
TR0002 | Bank account is in analisys, please wait for the approval |
TR0003 | Bank account not found |
TR0004 | Pix key not found |
TR0005 | Brcode not found |
TR0006 | Payment document with invalid reference |
TR0007 | Counterparty not found |
TR0008 | Counterparty bank account not found |
TR0009 | Transaction and/or amount limit exceeded |
TR0010 | Transaction canceled by the payment institution |
SPI0001 | An error occurred while processing the PIX transaction |
SPI0002 | Transaction settlement interrupted due to SPI timeout |
SPI0003 | Transaction interrupted due to error in recipient user's participant |
SPI0004 | Pix transaction sender timeout |
SPI0005 | Invalid/inexistent branch and/or account number of recipient user |
SPI0006 | Recipient's account blocked |
SPI0007 | Recipient user account is closed |
SPI0008 | Incorrect type for the receiving user's transaction account |
SPI0009 | The transaction type is not supported/authorized in the recipient user's account |
SPI0010 | Transaction with this processing type is not allowed |
SPI0011 | No refund of an instant payment |
SPI0012 | The direct participant is not settling the paying user |
SPI0013 | Pix transaction with zero value is not allowed |
SPI0014 | Payment/return order exceeds the limit allowed for the account type |
SPI0015 | Insufficient balance in PI account of paying user |
SPI0016 | Return exceeds original Pix transaction amount |
SPI0017 | Divergence between the sum of the block values |
SPI0018 | Invalid transaction quantity |
SPI0019 | CPF/CNPJ of the recipient does not diverge from the data of the account holder |
SPI0020 | Unauthorized Pix transaction initiator |
SPI0021 | QR Code rejected by the receiving user's participant |
SPI0022 | CPF/CNPJ of the incorrect recipient user |
SPI0023 | Incorrect or incompatible message content |
SPI0024 | Transaction rejected by the receiving user's participant |
SPI0025 | Participant who signed the message is not authorized |
SPI0026 | Transaction rejected due to timeout between messages |
SPI0027 | The participant is not registered or has not yet started operating in SPI |
SPI0028 | Date and time of sending the invalid message |
SPI0029 | The transaction exceeds the maximum time limit for returning a Pix transaction |
SPI0030 | Inconsistency between the transaction purpose and the message |
SPI0031 | Poorly formatted operation identifier |
SPI0032 | ISPB of the facilitating participant of the non-existing Pix Withdrawal or Pix Change service |
SPI0033 | Invalid or non-existent ISPB of the paying participant |
SPI0034 | Transaction rejected as paying user is sanctioned |
SPI0035 | The original transaction is not related to Pix Withdrawal or Pix Change |
SPI0036 | A conta transacional especificada encontra-se bloqueada |
SPI0037 | Número da conta transacional encerrada no PSP do Recebedor |
SPI0038 | Operação rejeitada porque foi detectada uma possível fraude |
SPI0039 | Conta de origem igual conta de destino |