The pay-in flow shall be used whenever you want users to cash in some money with almost zero friction.

In order to generate a pay-in through our Checkout SDK, you must create a Checkout Session. Below, there are some important parameters that you will need to pay attention to (* for required fields):

  • options
    • session_type*: session type, in this case payin.
    • expiration_in_seconds: integer value. If set, the Checkout session will only remain active up until this time. If not, the default time is 300 seconds (5 minutes).
  • transaction
    • tax_number*: the document/tax number (CPF/CNPJ) that represents the person you intend to receive money from.
    • amount*: Value of the deposit. Always represented in cents.
    • phone_number: Additional information about the person you intend to receive money from.
    • email: Additional information about the person you intend to receive money from.
    • redirect_url: the URL the user will be redirected after completing an open finance transaction. (default will be a Trio confirmation URL)

White label

You can also customize your end-user experience by utilizing the Checkout as a whitelabel. You can do so by utilizing the options field, with the respective xxxx_color fields. Below, you can see an example of a wholly implemented customization:

In order to create a session, you must make a POST request to /checkout/sessions with the following payload:

    "transaction": {
        "tax_number": "23725474028", // John Doe's document/tax number
      	"phone_number": "+5541999999999", // John Doe's Pix Key
      	"email": "[email protected]", // John Doe's Pix Key 
        "name": "John Doe", // Customer name
        "amount": 1, // total amount in cents
        "external_id": "01H7DKA58YDWPA7ZBCCAVWFM5E", // reference for your system
        "description": "Paid to", // additional information about the transaction
      	"redirect_url": "", // URL the user will be redirected after completing an open finance transaction
    "receiver": {
        "virtual_account_id": "018a66ca-0451-9cd7-1cfa-8dca325db29f" // unique identifier for the virtual account that will receive the money 
    "options": {
      	"session_type": "payin", // Session type (must be payin) 
        "expiration_in_seconds": "86400", // session expiration time, integer value
        "theme": {
            "colors": {
                "backdrop_color": "#ffffff", //hex color for the background (optional, accepts any color)
                "button_color": "#f6df69", //hex color for the interface primary action button (optional, accepts any color)
                "button_label_color": "#000000", //hex color for the interface primary action text (optional, accepts only #000000 or #ffffff)
                "link_color": "#426b55", //hex color for links (optional, accepts any color)
                "navbar_action_color": "#ffffff", //hex color for the background (optional, accepts only #000000 or #ffffff)
                "navbar_color": "#426b55" //hex color for top navbar background color (optional, accepts any color)
            "logo_url": "" //url for the logo that will be added to the initiation flow

If you input the correct parameters, you will receive a HTTP 200 response akin to:

  "data": {
    "company_id": "018da8cb-17da-5287-40c4-724ed90e2a0e",
    "expiration_timestamp": "2024-05-04T19:44:11.960965Z",
    "id": "018f4002-6d38-7d42-7c5f-c2dd50842d51",
    "options": {
      "allow_other_pix_key": null,
      "session_type": "payin",
      "theme": {
        "colors": {
          "backdrop_color": "#888888",
          "button_color": "#15294B",
          "button_label_color": "#FFFFFF",
          "link_color": "#15294B",
          "navbar_action_color": "#000000",
          "navbar_color": "#FFFFFF"
        "logo_url": ""
    "participants": null,
    "receiver": {
      "virtual_account_id": "018e3df6-d70f-9489-2c7e-ca880a25ea46"
    "timestamp": "2024-05-03T19:50:51.960965Z",
    "transaction": {
      "amount": {
        "amount": 1,
        "currency": "BRL"
      "available_withdraw_amount": null,
      "description": "Paid to",
      "email": "[email protected]",
      "expiration_in_seconds": 86000,
      "external_id": "Sessão de Teste",
      "name": "John Doe",
      "phone_number": "+5541999999999",
      "redirect_url": "",
      "tax_number": "23725474028"


When making use of the Checkout, the following screens will appear: