Integration Flow

Understand the full integration flow when using payment initiation

To initiate integration with the Trio Checkout SDK, make sure you have the client_id and client_secret that belongs to your company, either in a sandbox or production environment.

First of all, you need to embed our SDK through a script tag just before the closing of the <head> tag in your HTML:

  <script src=""></script>

In case you have a mobile application, it is possible to embed our tag by making use of a WebView inside your application.

After doing so, you can start the SDK by following these 3 steps:

1. Create a payment session

Since all payment information is sensitive, we prepare all the information that will be handled in the front-end application in the back-end beforehand. In order to execute it, we offer the creation of a session, which contains all necessary information about the initiation. Below is an example of a payload following the payload:

    "transaction": {
        "tax_number": "23725474028", //customer document tax number
        "name": "John Doe", //customer name
        "amount": 1, //total amount in cents
        "external_id": "01H7DKA58YDWPA7ZBCCAVWFM5E", //reference for your system
        "description": "Paid to" //additional information about the transaction
    "receiver": {
        "virtual_account_id": "018a66ca-0451-9cd7-1cfa-8dca325db29f" //unique identifier for the virtual account that will receive the money 
    "options": {
        "payment_methods": [
        ], //available payment methods, if not informed default is pix_open_finance
        "theme": {
            "colors": {
                "backdrop_color": "#ffffff", //hex color for the background (optional, accepts any color)
                "button_color": "#f6df69", //hex color for the interface primary action button (optional, accepts any color)
                "button_label_color": "#000000", //hex color for the interface primary action text (optional, accepts only #000000 or #ffffff)
                "link_color": "#426b55", //hex color for links (optional, accepts any color)
                "navbar_action_color": "#ffffff", //hex color for the background (optional, accepts only #000000 or #ffffff)
                "navbar_color": "#426b55" //hex color for top navbar background color (optional, accepts any color)
            "logo_url": "" //url for the logo that will be added to the initiation flow

You can also customize your end-user experience utilizing the options field, with the respective xxxx_color fields. Below, you can see an example of wholly implemented customization:

 And with the correct payload, you can call the endpoint to create a new session:

curl -X POST '' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
    "transaction": {
        "tax_number": "23725474028",
        "name": "John Doe",
        "amount": 1,
        "external_id": "01H7DKA58YDWPA7ZBCCAVWFM5E",
        "description": "Paid to"
    "receiver": {
        "virtual_account_id": "018a66ca-0451-9cd7-1cfa-8dca325db29f"
    "options": {
        "payment_methods": [
        "theme": {
            "colors": {
                "backdrop_color": "#ffffff",
                "button_color": "#f6df69",
                "button_label_color": "#000000",
                "link_color": "#426b55",
                "navbar_action_color": "#ffffff",
                "navbar_color": "#426b55"
            "logo_url": ""
}' \
-u {client_id}:{client_secret}

By making an appropriate request, you will receive a response akin to:

    "data": {
        "company_id": "a56c6e42-10c8-4876-946f-7d71595cecdc",
        "expiration_timestamp": "2023-11-24T14:37:00.912473Z",
        "id": "01HG0VAZPGJ3MZ631G1FJ6GPK7",
        "options": {
            "payment_methods": [
            "theme": {
                "colors": {
                    "backdrop_color": "#ffffff",
                    "button_color": "#f6df69",
                    "button_label_color": "#000000",
                    "link_color": "#426b55",
                    "navbar_action_color": "#ffffff",
                    "navbar_color": "#426b55"
                "logo_url": ""
        "participants": null,
        "receiver": {
            "virtual_account_id": "c6377347-7891-46ac-ac2e-368d01ac0305"
        "timestamp": "2023-11-24T14:22:00.912473Z",
        "transaction": {
            "amount": {
                "amount": 1,
                "currency": "BRL"
            "description": "Paid to",
            "email": null,
            "external_id": "01H7DKA58YDWPA7ZBCCAVWFM5E",
            "name": "John Doe",
            "phone_number": null,
            "redirect_url": "",
            "tax_number": "23725474028"

After creating a session, make sure that you saved the id returned. It will be necessary in order to open an instance the SDK interface. After 15 minutes, a created session automatically expires, and cannot be used again.


Be wary

A session must always be generated inside the back-end of your application, for security reasons.
Generating it inside your front-end may expose your client_secret, making it interceptable by your end-users.

2. Create a new instance of the SDK

With the session_id in hand and the SDK installed, you have access to a module called Trio in the browser console. This module has 2 primary functions:

  • create(), which is responsible for preparing the information to be sent to your backend
  • open(), which pops up the user experience for the final user, so the transaction can be completed.

To instantiate the SDK, first use the Trio.create, which requires a object as parameter that must contain such information:


A property defining the environment:

environment: 'production'

Could be either: sandbox or production. If the property is not informed, the default will be production.

Session - Required

A property defining what session will be used:

session: '01GYR8ZJR9ZH5X82ACN8QQ2GMK'


We have some callbacks that can help you control the flow of the initiation itself:

  • onSuccess: is triggered when a payment is completed successfully. The data object is returned, containing information about the created payment.

  • onExit: is triggered when the Trio Checkout is closed by the end-user.

  • onEvent: is triggered after each event during the initiation flow. Allows for more fine-grained control of event, such as failures and secondary events.

  • onLoad: is triggered when the SDK Bridge is successfully initialized (through the Trio.create() function).

3. Open checkout

Once you have prepared all the necessary information to initiate a payment, use the functions Trio.create() and

try {
    environment: 'production',

    session: '01GYR8ZJR9ZH5X82ACN8QQ2GMK',

    onSuccess: (data) => {
      console.log('onSuccess triggered')

    onExit: () => {
      console.log('onExit triggered')

    onEvent: (event_type, data) => {
      console.log('onEvent triggered')

    onLoad: () => {
      console.log('onLoad triggered')
catch (error) {

Then open by running

<button type="button" onclick="">Open checkout</button>

Getting information about the Payment Initiation Document

Every payment initiation processed by Trio, will generate a new Payment Initiation Document. This document could be accessed using the following endpoints using our id or either your external_id:

Get an initiation document

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