KYB verifications

We follow rigorous standards of compliance, as getting to know more about your company or customers is extremely important to us.

Generally, these are the required documents and information to approve an entity:

  • Documents (CPF and RG) of the partners (up to 10 years of issue date or valid CNH);
  • All partners' proof of residence;
  • Documents of Incorporation (social contract in Brazil) and last registry update, with the registration of the commercial board;
  • Company's proof of address;
  • Power of attorney and documents (CPF, RG or CNH) of the attorney-in-fact;
  • Balance sheet and invoicing for the last period (except for newly incorporated companies). In case of no invoicing in the last year, send a declaration of inactivity issued by the accountant;
  • Bank statement for the last 3 months.

We take up to 5 days to process documents and submit a resulting assessment.